Friday, April 10, 2009

The pirates off the coast of Somalia are building quite a resume of ships they have captured and ransomed. These ships! There seems to be quite a force attempting to stop the piracy as seen in this figure from Wikipedia:

States with navies fighting piracy and insurgency are colored green, former in blue, states with navies contributing to Operation Atalanta in purple; states with an infantry presence only in red. Somalia is in yellow.

It seems as though the pirates would have a difficult time taking over a ship of this size:
With a ship ...boat ...dinghy like this

It does not seem, however, that these are pirates. I know if I were about to be taken over by pirates I would accept nothing less than this:

Now, if the pirates looked something like this, they would be much more fearsome and it is likely that only this man could stop:

This man could easily handle the Somali pirate situation as he has previous experience batting "Cutthroats".

Cutthroat: (kŭt'thrōt') Pronunciation Key n.
A murderer, especially one who cuts throats.
An unprincipled, ruthless person.
A cutthroat trout.
Cruel; murderous.
The Somali pirates, by pirating standards, are nothing Mr. Rule could not handle as they have been known to make deals which means they have principles.

This only means one thing, we need to find Mr. Rule...

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