Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Graduation and Puppy

Graduation was last Saturday and the parents were in town from Wisconsin. Since I don't "officially" graduate until August I wasn't overly excited about it. It was pretty good and didn't take too long so that was nice. The ceremony was nice and there was barbecue after so that was a definite plus.

Beyond graduation the exciting news is that Lauren picked up the new puppy the we named pseu, after pseudo after pseudotachylite which is a sweet rock. He's really friendly and we've already taken him on a pretty long walk, I think he's learning to walk on a leash pretty quickly. We also taught him to go up and down stairs. He seems to be smart, we'll start with 'sit'. Trying to get him to not chew on everything.

He's an 8 week old Australian Shepherd.

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